Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beautiful Story

I was really touched today by an interview the Today Show had with the parents of a 6 year old girl who died of cancer.

This beautiful child, without her parents knowing, had been cutting out paper hearts and writing love notes on them.  She tucked them away in books, under furniture, behind photo frames. . .all written to her friends, family, pets.  Her parents are still finding them around their house, and right now have three boxes full of these handwritten love notes.

I find this to be deeply profound. . .I'm not necessarily a religious person, but reading this I have to believe that God gave her enough love for a lifetime, but not enough life to use it up.  She had just a few short years to dole out all the love and inspiration that she could, and her outlet was these simple paper hearts.

Something to think about on those days when you are questioning your faith in life. . .

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, wow! Thanks for sharing that, that's a really special story. :)
